Scrcpy Wireless Android Casting


January 17, 2025


Maybe Escrcpy is a better solution

Connect to the phone

  1. Download and unzip scrcpy (If your are using Windows, download scrcpy-win64-$
  2. Connect phone to PC via USB cable
  3. Make sure turn on the USB debugging on your phone
  4. Open terminal inside the scrcpy folder
  5. ./adb devices
  6. ./adb tcpip 5555
  7. Unplug USB cable
  8. Go to settings search ip in settings and remember the ip address (Make sure your phone and PC are in the same LAN i.e. connect to same WIFI)
  9. ./adb connect 192.168.1.xx:5555
  10. ./scrcpy.exe
  11. If you want to disconnect, first use ./adb devices to check the ip address and port. Then ./adb disconnect 192.168.1.xx:5555


  • Right Click: Back
  • Middle Click: Home
  • You can use clipboard across PC and your phone
  • Create a desktop shortcut for scrcpy.exe (Maybe rename it to My Phone)
  • If scrcpy doesn’t support audio forwarding for your phone. You can try Bluetooth Audio Receiver
  • You can add the scrcpy folder path to the PATH environmental variable so that you can directly use adb and scrcpy commands in the terminal